Gopi and Madhu’s families were living in Adyar, Chennai for over 25 years and were very close to each other. It is no wonder that Gopi ,a budding Doctor doing his final year Medical Degree, and Madhu a very pretty girl doing her Masters in English Literature became thick friends. Being a brilliant student Gopi was a topper in his college and Madhu was equal to the task by obtaining a Gold Medal in her Masters from University! They were very fond of each other that they spent a lot of time together discussing about everything under the sun. They fell in love and decided to get married after Gopi completes his MBBS.
After completing his M.B.B.S with Honours, Gopi was selected for M.S in tune with his ambition of becoming a top notch surgeon. Gopi’s father, who suffered from cancer, died on the operating table and this left an indelible impression in his mind. He completed his M.S with flying colors and promptly married Madhu. Soon after marriage Gopi got an offer for a Job in the leading hospital in Washington. He and Madhu were happy to go to USA and Gopi liked his Job. The hospital boasted of having the top surgeons on their rolls and was very famous for its capabilities.
Madhu spent her time attending to household chores and doing some on-line teaching assignment for a local polytechnic. She gave birth to a healthy and pretty girl. Gopi soon became very famous and a sought after surgeon for his excellent skills in performing complicated Heart Surgeries with 100% success record. However his continued fame and expertise made him stay more and more at the Hospital and he came home hardly for a few hours in a day. This began to take its toll on Madhu who felt very lonely despite the time she had with her kid. Small quarrels began to surface when she accused Gopi for not spending quality time either with her or the kid. Gopi’s efforts to make her understand the need for his extended hours at the hospital were in vain. With her frustration Madhu fell into a depression and Gopi began to virtually reside at the Hospital not wanting to hurt Madhu by entering into arguments.
On a Sunday when she felt the baby lying next to her, she was shocked to notice that the baby was having high temperature and was getting convulsions. In panic she grabbed the baby and drove to the hospital and asked for Gopi. The staff, who knew the Gopis well, immediately admitted the child in ICU and started the treatment while sending word to Gopi about it. After 3 hours the baby was brought back to normal ward when its condition was stable and Madhu was fuming since Gopi had not come till then.
Madhu lulled the baby to sleep and asked the nurse where Gopi could be reached. She was told that he is busy doing a most complicated heart operation of the rarest congenital defect. The nurse also told her that four such cases in the past 10 years were unsuccessful, all surgeries ending in failure. This news made Madhu more angry and she set out to reach him in the surgery wing. When she was nearing the post operative ward area, she heard Gopi telling a woman that the Heart Operation was a success and the woman was saying something to him. She went closer to the half open door where she could hear the conversation clearly.
The woman, whose child was being operated for congenital heart defect, was saying, “Doctor, when they told me that Sam’s case was terminal and they had no known cure by way of surgery, my heart sank and the whole world came crashing down. I ran to our church and cried before Jesus Christ and begged HIM to save my son. The Father told me that HE would always help those who were helpless by sending his Angels. I am sure he was right because he has sent you to save my son when everyone else had given up. You are so very special to us and we will add your picture in our Altar of worship. May you have a wonderful life with your beloved family”
Madhu was stunned into silence listening to this outburst and the words of that woman kept ringing in her ears. Yes indeed, Gopi was very special and was needed by the helpless patients more than by her. She felt so proud of being his wife and drove back home with the kid. She prepared “Kheer” to celebrate his historical feat and called him on phone to congratulate him. Gopi was pleasantly surprised to hear Madhu congratulating him and sounding like the bride he knew when she invited him to come home for the celebration. … Noble Souls!!
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